3 Tips to improve defense in FIFA 23

Playing defense in FIFA 23 can be a daunting task, especially if you need to become more familiar with the game's mechanics. However, with the right approach and some practice, you can become a great defender in FIFA 23. In this guide, we'll give you 3 tips to help you improve your defense and win more matches.



Tip 1: Defend Using Your Midfielders

One of the most effective ways to defend in FIFA 23 is to use your midfielders. By tracking back with your midfielders, you can allow the AI to get into a good defensive position, making it harder for your opponent to pass the ball. This will also give you an opportunity to launch an attack.

For example, suppose your opponent is attacking your goal. In that case, you can let the AI organize your team's defense and then track back with your midfielders to close any gaps that your opponent may try to exploit. This will allow your defense to remain compact and make it harder for your opponent to score.


Tip 2: Always Track the Runners

Tracking the runners is another essential aspect of defending in FIFA 23. When your opponent is making a run, you need to track them with your defenders and prevent them from getting into a good position to score.

For example, suppose your opponent is making a run behind your defense, and your midfielder is out of position. In that case, you need to defend with your defender and drop off to get ahead of your opponent. This will allow you to intercept any passes your opponent may try to make and prevent them from getting a shot on goal.


Tip 3: Don't Dive Into Tackles

Diving into tackles is a common mistake that many amateur players make. When you dive into tackles, you leave gaps in your defense that your opponent can exploit.

Instead, it would help if you focused on tracking back with your midfielders and defenders and cutting off passing lanes. This will allow you to stay compact and make it harder for your opponent to score.

For example, suppose your opponent is trying to break through your defense, and you're tempted to dive into a tackle. In that case, you should track back with your midfielder and switch to your center back to push forward and close any gaps in your defense. This will give your opponent less time and space on the ball, making it harder for them to score.



Becoming a good defender in FIFA 23 takes practice and patience, but with these three tips, you can improve your defense and win more matches. Remember to defend using your midfielders, always track the runners, and avoid diving into tackles. By following these tips, you'll be on your way to becoming a great defender in no time. 

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