How to avoid the impact of 2K's new policy?

NBA 2K has recently implemented a new event for gamers to unlock free Galaxy Opals, Pink Diamonds, and Diamonds. However, they have also been banning more and more players from buying MT, which makes it difficult for gamers to get what they want. To make matters worse, they have also made the new galaxy opals non-auctionable, meaning gamers can only make MT off them. 

This article will discuss the new policy and how it affects gamers, the event, and the lack of Locker Codes. We will also discuss how gamers can make MT by playing the game and some tips and tricks to increase their chances of success. So let's get started!


2K's New Policy

2K recently implemented a new policy to ban players caught buying MT Coins. This has discouraged many players from buying MT, as they want to avoid getting banned. However, 2K has also been making it more and more difficult to make MT by playing the game. The packs still have less than two per cent odds, and the Vault only opens for a few players. This means that gamers need help to make the MT they need to buy the players they want.


The Free Galaxy Opal Event

2K has recently added a new event for gamers to unlock free Galaxy Opals. These players are non-auctionable and cannot be sold. This means that gamers cannot make MT off these players and cannot use MT to buy the players they want.


Lack of Locker Codes

2K has also been providing fewer and fewer Locker Codes lately. This means that gamers cannot make MT off these codes and cannot buy the players they want.


Making MT by Playing the Game

2K has been making it more and more difficult to make MT by playing the game. The packs still have less than two per cent odds, and the Vault only opens for a few players. However, there are still some ways to make MT by playing the game. Here are some tips and tricks to increase your chances of success:

  • Play Triple Threat Offline: Playing Triple Threat Offline is one of the best ways to make MT by playing the game. This game mode is relatively short (3-5 minutes), and the Vault opens a hundred percent of the time.
  • Quicksell Players: If you get a player you don't want, you can Quicksell them to make some MT.
  • Exchange Players: You can also Exchange players to make some MT. This is a great way to make extra MT if you have some players you don't want.
  • Play Events: 2K has been known to host events where you can make MT by playing the game. These events usually have auctionable rare players, so you can make a decent amount of MT if you get lucky.



2K has recently implemented a new policy to ban any players caught buying MT, making it more and more difficult to make MT by playing the game. They have also added a new event for gamers to unlock free Galaxy Opals, but these players are non-auctionable and cannot be sold. Lastly, they have also been providing fewer and fewer Locker Codes lately, making it even more difficult to make MT. 

However, there are still some ways to make MT by playing the game. You can still make MT by playing the game by playing Triple Threat Offline, Quick selling players, Exchanging players, and playing Events. 2K will listen to the feedback from the 2K community and add more ways to make MT by playing the game.

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