How to Score and Get Open in NBA 2K23?

Outwit your opponents in NBA 2K23 with the best dribble combos. This article provides a comprehensive guide to mastering the art of getting open and scoring with guard play. We'll explore various dribble techniques to give you the edge and ensure you come out on top. Learn how to use a variety of dribble moves to get the upper hand in 2K23.




Kobe Durant Spam

This is one of the best moves that you can use. You must use the Aaron Fox or Dwayne Wade size-up to make this move. You don't have to use the Kobe size up for this move. All you have to do is hold the turbo button and flick down on the right stick. This move will make it look like you are running to the rim, and then you can surprise your opponents with an open three-pointer.


Walk Back

This move is one of the easiest but also one of the best. All you have to do is hold down the turbo button and walk back. This will catch your opponents, who think you are still running to the rim. You can then shoot a jump shot or speed boost out of it.


Westbrook Snatch

The Westbrook Snatch is another excellent move. You must hold down the right trigger and flick up on the right stick to make this move. You can then shoot off of it or speed boost out of it. This move creates tons of space and makes the defender move back, allowing you to get a jumpshot or speed boost.


Snap Back Spam

The Snap Back spam is also a great move. All you have to do is hold down the correct trigger, flick on the right stick, and then down on the left. You can then shoot off of it or speed boost out of it.


Super Fast Heavy Hop

The Super Fast Heavy Hop is an excellent move for speed boosting. To make this move, you will need to flick the right stick in the direction that you are going and then hit the left stick. This will make your move way faster than usual.


Spin Back

The Spin Back is a classic movie. To make this move, you must hold down the turbo button and flick from 12 o'clock to 6 o'clock on the right stick. You can then flick down on the right stick to hit the Luca, and if the ball is in the other hand, you will need to do the same thing but counterclockwise.



The Misdirection is another excellent move. To make this move, you must flick the right stick left and then the left stick right. You can then speed boost out of it. This move is great for catching your opponents off guard.


Stop and Go

The Stop and Go is a super easy move catching your opponents off guard. All you have to do is make any speed boost move and then sprint again. This move will make it look like you are going in one direction and then switch to the other, catching your opponents off guard.



These are the best combos that you can use to get open in NBA 2K23. All these moves are great and Will help you beat your opponents and get more NBA Currency. Try these moves and see which ones work best for you!

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