NHL 23: How to Do All Dekes and Puck Handling Tutorial

In NHL 23, mastering dekes and puck handling is crucial to outmanoeuvring your opponents and scoring goals. This guide will provide a detailed breakdown of all the dekes and puck-handling techniques you can perform in NHL 23. It's worth noting that all the controls mentioned in this tutorial are for left-handed players. For right-handed players, the controls are mirrored.



Stick Handling Basics

Move the right analogue stick from side to side to perform basic stick handling. You can also move it up and down to perform different stick-handling moves. Pressing the right stick back performs a slap shot fake while pressing it up performs a toe drag.


One Touch Digs

To perform a one-touch dig, tap L1 and move the left stick in the direction you want to perform the deke. The direction you move the left stick determines the direction of the deke.



To perform a windmill, hold L1 and flick the right stick in the direction you want to perform the deke. You can also perform a windmill while standing still by flicking the right stick in the desired direction.


Between the Legs

Hold L1 and flick the right stick to perform a deke between the legs. Use the left stick to control the direction of the deke.



To perform a Barkov, hold L1 and move the right stick down to put the puck behind your back. Release the right stick and tap it down to perform the deke. You can also perform a Barkov from the backhand by holding L1 and tapping the right stick.


Backhand Spinorama

To perform a backhand panorama, tap L2 and use the left stick to control the direction of the deke.


Back Skate Movement

To perform back skate movement, hold L2 to skate backwards. To control your player better during back skate movement, turn your player's back in the direction you want to go by moving the left stick. You can also perform a Kale Makar side step by holding L2 and tapping the X button. Tapping L2 and tapping out to an X button can make your player easier to control.



To perform a Datsuk, perform a short fake by moving the right analogue stick to the right. You can combine this with a deke by pulling down the right stick to perform the Datsuk deke. You can pass, shoot, or flip the puck with R1.


Body Fake

Hold L1 and tap the left stick left or right to perform a body fake. You can combine this with other dekes, such as Michigan, by holding the right stick in the opposite direction.



To perform a Michigan, hold L1 and press the right stick down. While holding the right stick down, circle the left stick from left to right.


New Seekers Flip

Hold L1 and press the right stick to perform a New Seekers Flip. While holding the right stick down, circle the left stick from left to right.


Board Decks

Hold L1 and tap R2 near the boards to perform aboard the deck. You can also perform this move behind the net or on open ice.



In conclusion, mastering dekes and puck handling in NHL 23 can take some practice, but improving your chances of winning is worth it. Keep practising these techniques; soon, you'll easily score more goals and outmanoeuvring your opponents.

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