Is the Green Machine Badge really useless in NBA 2K23?

If you're a fan of NBA 2K23, then you may have come across the Green Machine badge. This badge has been a topic of discussion among players for some time now, with some saying that it's useless while others believe that it's beneficial. In this guide, we will explain everything you need to know about the Green Machine badge, including any changes that may have occurred over the years.



What is the Green Machine Badge?

The Green Machine badge is a shooting badge that boosts the chances of hitting a green release shot. A green release shot is a perfect shot that has a higher chance of going in the basket. The badge increases the size of the green window, making it easier to get a green release shot. The badge can be upgraded from bronze to hall of fame, with each upgrade providing a bigger boost to the green release window.


Changes to the Green Machine Badge

The Green Machine badge has undergone some changes over the years. In season 4, there was a big shooting patch that affected all shooting badges, including the Green Machine badge. The actual boost provided by the badge became bigger but on a small margin. However, the ratio of each badge upgrade remained about the same. As a result, the badge became more useful than before.


How to Use the Green Machine Badge?

To use the Green Machine badge effectively, you need to know how to time your shots correctly. It would help if you released the ball when the shot meter is at its highest point, as this will increase your chances of getting a green release shot. With the Green Machine badge equipped, you will have a larger green release window, making it easier to get perfect shots. It's important to note that the badge does not guarantee that you will make every shot, but it does increase your chances of hitting a green release shot.



The Green Machine badge is a shooting badge in NBA 2K that increases the size of the green release window, making it easier to hit perfect shots. The badge can be upgraded from bronze to hall of fame, with each upgrade providing a bigger boost to the green release window. While some players have criticized the badge in the past, it has become more useful in recent years due to changes in the game. To use the badge effectively, you need to time your shots correctly and release the ball at the highest point of the shot meter. With the Green Machine badge equipped, you will have a better chance of hitting perfect shots and dominating the game.

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