Top 4 most effective Bronze badges in NBA 2K23

One of the NBA 2K23 features is having a series of badges, which can be used to enhance your experience. This article will discuss the 4 bronze budget badges that offer the best value for your building. These badges may not be the best overall, but they are the most effective when equipped at the bronze level and can help you save some points you could spend elsewhere.




Amped (Shooting Badge)

This badge activates when your stamina bar drops below 50 and helps increase your make percentage in these situations. Shooting a low stamina shot can reduce your make percentage and slow your shot timing. With the Amped badge equipped, you can see roughly a 10-make increase around the center of the green window. This badge is especially useful for primary ball handlers and dribblers. For players 6'5 and shorter, it's a tier 2 badge, and for players 6' and up, it's a tier 1 badge, making it even more valuable.


Anchor (Def/Reb Badge)

This badge increases a player's ability to block shots and protect the rim at a high level. With the Anchor badge equipped, the make percentage drops 16 when contesting standing lips at the rim, and the average contest percentage also goes up by 16. This is a significant boost to anyone's interior defense. For players 6'5 and shorter, it's a tier 1 badge; for players 6'6 and 6'7, it's a tier 2 badge. It's tier 3 for everyone else, but it's still worth equipping at the bronze level.


Bail Out (Playmaking Badge)

This badge has been effective for years and continues to be so in NBA 2K23. With the Bailout badge equipped at the bronze level, you can see an 89-clean catch rate when bailing out of a shot, which is a 37 boost from no badge. This badge almost guarantees a clean catch 9 out of 10 times. It's a tier 2 badge for all heights, so it will cost you three badge points, but it's worth the investment.


Challenger (Def/Reb Badge)

This badge can make a huge difference when contesting on the perimeter. It reduces the make percentage of the offensive player with a well-timed contest. With the Challenger badge equipped at the bronze level, you can see the make percentage reduced by more than 10 throughout the green window when contesting someone. The silver level is very similar to bronze; you only see a noticeable difference when you reach the gold and hall of fame levels. It's a tier 3 badge for players 6'7 and shorter, but it's still worth equipping if you can get it.



These badges may not be the best overall, but they offer the best value for your builds when equipped at the bronze level. They can help you optimize your badge loadout and save some points you could spend elsewhere. Try these badges out and see how they can improve your gameplay in NBA 2K23.

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